Learning during COVID-19

Zimbarsity is an online database of academic work in projects, dissertations and researches by scholars for learning. This research work is made available for consumption for scholars for an incentive to the originator.
This platform is an extension by Kelteve Distinction Technologies which was launched in April 2020. Read about the launch.
The COVID-19 lockdowns are primarily preventing further spread of COVID-19. However, the isolation of crowds has paralysed many services industries. The ending of the lockdowns is now solely in the hands of the World Health Organisation (WHO). WHO has given every country on lockdown a set of conditions to meet before it grants an end to a lockdown. Follow the link to learn more about the WHO conditions.
What does this mean for parents who have school going kids?
Schools will inevitably delay their opening and leaners are going to lose learning hours. Digital platforms like Google Classroom are there for public consumption and all. However, the nature of this technology does not invoke active learning practice of students’ especially for primary schools. High school students are not an exception as they are the most active on social media. Learning from an internet-enabled gadget could lead to many distractions. Also, it’s not every parent who has the money to meet the bill of learning online.
The Solution
In the face of these problems, Kelteve is extending its Zimbarsity platform to cover this. Learners pass through primary to high school before going tertiary hence the need to provide for them a bridge to cross them over to tertiary during COVID-19. The solution is an online booking of highly qualified tutors near you with versatile skills to deliver quality information to your kids. The tutors have profiles on Zimbarsity and you can check them, rate them and or recommend them.
More so, for those who cannot afford the online tutorial, you can still access these same tutors for house visit. Extra caution needs to be exercised for this option to prevent spreading of COVID-19.
Good parents invest in a good education foundation for their kids. We are calling upon parents to utilise this platform to the maximum. We are also calling for high-quality tutors conversant with ZIMSEC or Cambridge syllabi at any level, to sign up and help deliver on the education sector of Zimbabwe as we fight COVID-19.
Tutors and parents can access the platform by clicking this link: Zimbarsity Scholar. Also tutors can register here.
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